Guy Ritchie's films are in my film DNA. Everyone has a film DNA. It's composed of the movies you watched in your formative years. The ones that established what you liked in a film. DNA films are the ones you've seen countless times. Ones you can quote with ease. The ones that survive yearly DVD purges. The ones that gather dust on your shelf. The ones you swear are your favorites, but that you haven't actually watched in ages. The problem with DNA films is that, often, when you go back and rewatch them, they lose their luster. They turn out to be not as good as you remember. The flaws that you weren't looking for in your youth pop out. Sometimes, over long periods of time, your tastes have changed and the movie that informed your movie DNA in your youth is no longer relevant or held in the same esteem. Guy Ritchie's latest films have not been great. I am not sure if it's a result of a filmmaker trying to do something he can't, or whethe...